Corruption Hampering Economic Development

By CA  A. K. Jain


Corruption remains a significant impediment to the growth and development of businesses in India. Despite numerous reforms and anti-corruption initiatives, many Indian companies continue grappling with corrupt practices that hinder their operations, inflate costs, and discourage domestic and foreign investments. It undermines institutions, disrupts efficient resource allocation, and perpetuates inequality. The main ways corruption affects India's economy here to read further



Private Debt - Threat To Sustainable Development

By CA  A. K. Jain


India's journey towards becoming a global economic powerhouse has been marked by remarkable progress, but it also faces significant hurdles. One such obstacle is the burgeoning private debt that poses a threat to sustainable economic development. While debt can be a tool for growth when managed effectively, its unchecked proliferation can stifle economic potential and exacerbate financial instability. In the Indian context, addressing private debt is crucial for fostering a conducive environment for long-term prosperity.

Private debt in India encompasses all forms of borrowing by individuals and businesses outside the formal banking sector. This includes, personal loans, credit cards, corporate bonds and housing loans etc. While private debt facilitates consumption, investment, and entrepreneurship, excessive reliance on it can lead to financial instability and increased here to read further



Regional Inequalities : Challenge for Economic Growth

By CA  A. K. Jain


Regional inequalities in India refer to the uneven distribution of resources, infrastructure, and economic opportunities across different states and regions. These disparities hinder the nation's overall economic development by creating imbalances in growth, social welfare, and employment. These imbalances constrain India’s overall economic progress, reducing the efficiency of resource allocation, limiting market expansion, and fostering migration pressures, all of which slow down sustainable development. To address these challenges, India needs to implement policies that promote balanced regional development. This includes investments in infrastructure, education, and healthcare in less developed regions, as well as measures to attract investment and create employment opportunities. Additionally, policies aimed at reducing poverty and inequality can help bridge the gap between developed and less developed regions. Here are some facts, figures, and examples to illustrate here to read further



Socialist Pattern of Economy an Erroneous Choice

By CA  A. K. Jain


After India's independence in 1947, the Congress government, led by Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru, adopted a socialist pattern of economy to address the nation's socio-economic challenges. This approach was inspired by the need to reduce inequality, promote industrialization, and achieve self-sufficiency. Nehru believed that a mixed economy, where both the public and private sectors played roles, was essential for India's development. The socialist pattern emphasized the state's dominant role in key industries such as steel, energy, transportation, and telecommunications. Nehru’s vision led to the establishment of the Planning Commission and the introduction of Five-Year Plans, starting in 1951, which aimed at guiding economic development with a focus on public sector here to read further



Population Pressure Frustrating Economic Growth

By CA  A. K. Jain


India stands at a crossroads where its burgeoning population poses both a demographic dividend and a developmental challenge. While a large workforce can potentially drive economic growth, heavy population pressure presents obstacles to India's development. This chapter explores the ramifications of this pressure on the Indian economy and proposes solutions to mitigate its here to read further



Agro Predominance Challenges to India's Overall Economic Development

By CA  A. K. Jain


India's agricultural sector has long been the backbone of its economy, employing millions and contributing significantly to the country's GDP. However, the predominance of traditional agriculture methodology has posed challenges to India's overall economic development. Despite its historical significance, the sector's limitations hinder progress in various ways, from technological advancement to income distribution. In this text presentation, we delve into the obstacles posed by the dominance of agriculture in India's economy and explore potential solutions to propel the nation towards sustainable here to read further



Business Hitches Blocking Indian Economic Growth

By CA  A. K. Jain


India, with its vast population and diverse resources, holds immense potential for economic growth. However, this potential often encounters hurdles due to various business difficulties plaguing the country's entrepreneurial landscape. From bureaucratic red tape to infrastructure challenges, these obstacles hinder the smooth development of the Indian economy. In this article, we'll explore some of the key business difficulties faced by India and propose solutions to overcome here to read further



Stressed Neighbourhood Relations of India
“Obstacle in Economic Growth”

By CA  A. K. Jain


India, as a diverse and burgeoning economy, stands at a crucial juncture in its development trajectory. While internal challenges are being addressed with vivacity, the dynamics of its relationships with neighbouring countries also play a significant role in shaping its economic progress.

In this chapter, we delve into the complexities of India's neighbourly relations, exploring the obstacles they pose to its economic growth and offering potential here to read further



Low-Level Technology: Growth Obstacle

By CA  A. K. Jain


India, a country renowned for its rich cultural heritage and diverse landscape, has emerged as a global economic force in recent decades. However, despite significant progress in various sectors, the nation still grapples with the impediment of low-level technology hindering its full developmental potential.

At the heart of India's economic conundrum lies the prevalence of outdated technology across multiple industries. From agriculture to manufacturing, many sectors continue to rely on obsolete machinery and processes, stifling productivity and innovation. This stagnation not only hampers domestic competitiveness but also undermines India's position in the global market.

In agriculture, the backbone of India's economy employing a significant portion of its workforce, outdated techniques contribute to inefficiency and yield fluctuations. Insufficient access to modern farming equipment, irrigation systems, and crop management technologies perpetuates the cycle of low productivity and income instability for here to read further



Rigid Labour Laws Obstacle for Economic Growth

By CA  A. K. Jain


India, with its vast human resources and burgeoning entrepreneurial spirit, has long been touted as a global economic powerhouse in the making. However, despite its potential, the Indian economy continues to grapple with various challenges hindering its full-scale development. Among these hurdles, rigid labour laws stand out as a significant impediment, stifling innovation, hindering competitiveness, and impeding overall economic here to read further


Poor Human Capital: A Challenge for India


By CA  A. K. Jain


In the race towards economic progress, nations often gauge their advancement by various metrics like GDP growth, infrastructure development, and technological innovation. However, a fundamental yet frequently overlooked aspect that significantly influences a country's economic trajectory is the quality of its human capital. In the case of India, despite its remarkable strides in various sectors, the persistent issue of poor human capital quality poses a formidable obstacle to sustainable here to read further



Poor Quality of Education Hampering Economic Growth in India


By CA  A. K. Jain


The educational system in India faces significant challenges that contribute to its poor quality. Key issues include insufficient funding, leading to inadequate infrastructure and resources in many schools, especially in rural areas. There is a high student-to-teacher ratio, resulting in limited individual attention for students. The curriculum is often outdated and overly focused on rote learning rather than critical thinking and practical skills. Additionally, there are disparities in access to education based on socio-economic status, gender, and geographic here to read further




Restricted Forex Management Hampers Economic Growth


By CA  A. K. Jain


In the dynamic landscape of global economics, the management of foreign exchange holds paramount importance for any nation. India, a burgeoning economy with vast potential, grapples with a regulatory framework that restricts and controls foreign exchange transactions. The Reserve Bank of India and the government play pivotal roles in shaping foreign exchange policies. However, the stringent control often poses obstacles to the nation's economic development.

India's foreign exchange policies are primarily governed by the Foreign Exchange Management Act (FEMA), administered by the RBI. While these regulations are intended to safeguard the country's economic interests, they often stifle growth opportunities. Here are some key here to read further




Planning Commission & Niti Ayog : The Torch Bearer for the Economic Development Of India


By CA  A. K. Jain


The Indian Five-Year Plans were a series of comprehensive economic development initiatives implemented by the Indian government since independence in 1947. Initially inspired by the Soviet model of mixed economy or socialist pattern with centralized economic planning, India's planning system aimed to achieve rapid industrialization, technological advancement, and social welfare. This concept due to inherent limitations and weakness failed to here to read further




Consistent High Budget Deficit Unhealthy for Economic Growth


By CA  A. K. Jain


India, with its vibrant culture, diverse population, and burgeoning economy, stands at the cusp of becoming a global economic powerhouse. However, one key obstacle hindering its progress is the persistent issue of a large budget deficit. A budget deficit occurs when a government's expenditures exceed its revenues, leading to borrowing to cover the shortfall. In the Indian context, this deficit poses significant challenges to sustainable economic development. This article delves into the repercussions of India's large budget deficit and explores potential solutions to address this pressing here to read further




Rigorous Regulatory Compliances Are Deterrent In Economic Development


By CA  A. K. Jain


India, with its burgeoning population and vast potential, stands at a crucial juncture in its economic journey. However, one significant hurdle hindering its economic prosperity is the complexity of its taxation system and regulatory compliances. These challenges not only deter investors but also burden businesses, stifling growth and innovation. This chapter delves into the obstacles posed by India's tax system and regulatory framework and proposes solutions to foster economic here to read further



Black Money A Challenge For Indian Economy


By CA  A. K. Jain


In the vibrant tapestry of India's economic landscape, there exists a shadowy realm known as the parallel economy, fuelled by the clandestine flow of black money. This parallel economy, characterized by unreported income, tax evasion, and illicit transactions, poses a significant obstacle to the nation's development aspirations. Addressing this issue is not merely a matter of fiscal rectitude; it is imperative for fostering sustainable growth, ensuring social justice, and fortifying the integrity of India's financial here to read further




Under Developed Infrastructure A Major Obstruction In Indian Economic Development


By CA  A. K. Jain


India, a nation teeming with diversity and ambition, stands at the crossroads of development and progress. However, one significant hurdle obstructing its path to prosperity is its inadequate infrastructure. Despite strides in various sectors, the country grapples with crumbling roads, insufficient power supply, inadequate sanitation facilities, and a strained public transportation system. This article delves into the challenges posed by India's poor infrastructure and explores potential solutions to foster sustainable growth and improve the quality of life for its here to read further



Unemployment : Understanding Challenge And Exploring Solutions


By CA  A. K. Jain


Unemployment is a critical issue that continues to challenge the economic landscape of India. As one of the world's most populous nations with a diverse workforce, fluctuations in the unemployment rate have far-reaching implications for the country's growth and development.

The unemployment rate impacts the Indian economy by influencing spending, growth, and job opportunities. A high rate hinders economic progress and can lead to social unrest, while a low rate indicates a thriving job market and a growing economy. Policymakers use it to inform strategies for job creation and economic here to read further



Managing River Water Wastage

By CA  A. K. Jain



India, blessed with a myriad of rivers, faces a paradoxical challenge on water front. In spite of abundant water resources, yet rampant wastage of water is leading to a significant portion flowing into the sea untapped. This squandering of river water not only poses ecological threats but also serves as a formidable obstacle to the nation's economic development. Understanding this issue is crucial for devising sustainable solutions that harness this invaluable resource for India's here to read further



Management of Financial Resources –A Challenge

By CA  A. K. Jain


Unproductive, unjustified, wasteful, extravagant application of financial resources by Indian government agencies is a serious issue of concern and has significant repercussions on our nation's economic development.

India, with its vast population and diverse socio-economic landscape, faces numerous challenges on the path to economic prosperity. While prudent fiscal management is imperative for sustainable growth, the misallocation of resources undermines these efforts and hampers the country's development here to read further



Public Debt Of India Crossing Redline

By CA  A. K. Jain

Government borrowing plays a pivotal role in shaping a nation's fiscal landscape. It is a mechanism through which governments acquire funds to fuel their various expenditures, from public services to infrastructure development. The need for government borrowing arises when the revenue generated from taxes and other sources falls short of covering the expenses outlined in the government's budget. Consequently, the government announces an annual borrowing programme in its budget to bridge this fiscal gap.

"In the year 2014, the size of the Indian economy was 2.05 trillion dollars and the total debt of the government of India was Rs 55,87,149.33 crore. In the year 2024, India is a 3.75 trillion economy. But the debt has trebled. In 10 years, the debt has gone up three times. High debt accompanied by low employment and high food inflation is the worst possible scenario for an emerging economy here to read further




India Budget 2024

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi's government has presented its last budget before the country heads for general elections in the coming months. The interim budget focuses on the government’s objective of making India a $5 trillion economy and a developed nation by 2047.The interim budget or a stop-gap financial plan will come into effect from 1 April until a new government presents a full-fledged budget after coming to here to read further




One Nation One Election


CA A. K. Jain

Public Notice for inviting suggestions from members of the general public for making appropriate changes in the existing legal administrative framework to enable simultaneous elections in the country.

First of all, we express our approbation to the Government of India for the constitution of a high-level committee to discuss the ‘One Nation One Election’ policy vide gadget notification number 211 of September 2nd, 2023. This is the need of the time. As desired, we offer our observations here to read further




Long and Short Range Missiles Offer Excellent
Business Prospects To Indian Industry

CA A. K. Jain

In recent years, the global geopolitical landscape has seen a surge in demand for advanced defence technologies, particularly in the domain of missile systems. Military operations and war threats in Russia Ukraine, Israel Yemen, Lebanon, Syria, Iran, Taiwan, Pakistan and Korea are extremely heated markets for all kinds of warfare materials including all kinds of missile here to read further





CA A. K. Jain

Two events in the past few weeks point to a change in the global balance of power. The first was the peace deal in Beijing between once sworn enemies Iran and Saudi Arabia, where China played peacemaker. Considering that Iran and Saudi Arabia have been at each other's throats for decades, this was quite a diplomatic achievement for Xi Jinping.

The second event was the recent meeting between Xi and Putin in Moscow. These two leaders have met one-on-one 40 times in the last ten years, which is a record for both. Putin says that Xi is the only world leader he has celebrated his birthday with, and calls him “his best and bosom friend” here to read further




(Trademark / Patent / Copyright)

Software Patent Registration
Creators and inventors of software products have always strived to protect their intellectual property rights and obtain patent registration for software products. The rapid growth of the internet and fast increasing competition has further increased the demand for software patents in India. However, patenting of software was not allowed for a long time in India, due to restrictions in the patent laws of India. But to cope up with the demand, boost innovation and safeguard the rights of inventors, the Indian Patent Office has evolved detailed guidelines for patenting Computer Related Inventions (CRIs). In this article, we look at patentability of software and Computer Related Inventions in detail here to read further





The traditional channels of searching real estate listings and working with real estate agents aren't the only ways to acquire a property. Experienced real estate investors often purchase properties at auctions. But auctions aren't limited to professionals; novices have purchased their homes at auctions, too.

How Do Properties End Up at Auction?

The two main types of property auctions are foreclosure auctions and tax lien auctions. Before a property reaches this stage, several things have to happen.

First, the homeowner has to have not paid the mortgage for several months. Then, the bank files a notice of default with the county recorder. If the homeowner doesn't pay the balance owed or renegotiate the omrtgage with the lender, the home can be put up for auction. The amount of time it takes from when the homeowner stops paying the mortgage to when the home ends up at auction varies, but can be anywhere from a few months to a year or here to read further







The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China and the Government of the Republic of India, desiring to conclude an Agreement for the avoidance of double taxation and the prevention of fiscal evasion with respect to taxes on income, have agreed as here to read further






Scope of Total Income - Section 5(2) of Income Tax Act.

Subject to the provisions of this Act, the total income of any previous year of a person who is a non-resident includes all income from whatever source derived which-

(a) is received or is deemed to be received in India in such year by or on behalf of such person ; or

(b) accrues or arises or is deemed to accrue or arise to him in India during such year.

Explanation 1.-Income accruing or arising outside India shall not be deemed to be received in India within the meaning of this section by reason only of the fact that it is taken into account in a balance sheet prepared in here to read further





According to Section 2(13) of the CGST Act, 2017 “Audit” means the examination of records, returns and other documents maintained or furnished by the registered person under the GST Acts or the rules made there under or under any other law for the time being in force to verify the correctness of turnover declared, taxes paid, refund claimed and input tax credit availed, and to assess his compliance with the provisions of the GST Acts or the rules made here to read further





Income Tax Settlement Commission is a premier Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) body in India. Its mandate is to resolve tax disputes in respect of Indian Income Tax & Wealth Tax Laws between the two disputing parties, Income Tax Department on one side and litigating tax payer on the other.

This institution was set up in 1976 by the Central Government on the recommendations of the Direct Taxes Enquiry Committee (1971) set up under the Chairmanship of Justice K.N. Wanchoo, the retired Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of India. The Wanchoo Committee had conceived of the Settlement Commission as a mechanism to allow a one-time tax evader or an unintending defaulter to make clean breast of his affairs. At present, there are Seven benches of the Commission located at New Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata and here to read further





Prime Minister Shahid Khaqan Abbasi, after a meeting of the Economic Advisory Council, announced tax reforms aimed at clamping down on tax evaders. Building his case for the government's new package, the prime minister noted that only 1.2 million Pakistanis file income tax returns. He further noted that of the 1.2m filers, only 700,000 actually paid tax, while others filed returns but paid no income tax. Presenting his package as an incentive for more people to enter the tax net, PM Abbasi stressed that he felt this to be the most optimum way to maximise the government's revenues keeping in mind the significant challenges it here to read further




The Uttarakhand High Court has ruled that samosa is considered to be cooked food, hence it would attract higher tax rate. In the instant case Assessee is running shop and engaged in the activity of selling sweets, namkeen, samosa, milk and curd etc. and he has filed his return of income for the relevant assessment year and declared his taxable income at Rs.50,720 on the basis of the total turnover of Rs.11,55,900. During the course of assessment proceedings, the Assessing Officer (AO) recomputed the income of the Assessee and declared his total income at Rs.13,66,400 while completing the here to read further




Hon’ble F. M. Arun Jaitley - Budget 2018

CA A. K. Jain

Once again the Finance Minister of India has gone through the ritualistic Annual Budget exercise on 1st of February, 2018. As, this is the last functional financial budget in the present tenure of this BJP Government, Economic and Financial wizards around the world were holding their breath in the expectation of some far-fetched fiscal announcements on this day.

There was also a feeling that, the budget documents will be election driven. So far, international investors and Indian industry has shown its stout confidence, conviction and admiration in the leadership of this regime. Pragmatic decisiveness on demonetarization and tax reforms also raised optimism for incredible proclamations through budget documents 2018.

Although, it will be hasty and unreasonable to judge and conclude the far reaching implications and affects of this presentation, but apparently it appears that, a lot is missing …………….. an opportunity is lost……… fiscal issues are inadequately balanced………common person is somewhat confused on his choice of …………!!!

In the juggleries of financial politics and democratic limitations, we as a nation are the worst victim of appeasement practices and policies. It is distressing to say that, “the illiterate farming community and allied classes of Indian Diaspora, which supersede in electoral numbers have restrained our finest leadership from dynamic fiscal decisions in the interest of nation as a whole”.

If India has to stand in the frontline, we have to compulsorily grow consistently at least 12% plus rate for next three to five years. Revenue from direct and indirect taxes can by no means fulfill the necessities of the nation. Steel, Power, Transport, Industries are the backbone of growth cycle. Massive capital investment is required in Infrastructure, education and health sector. There is no answer for all this in budget documents.

On multiple occasions it is governmentally acknowledged that, abundant financial resources are held / parked by our own fellow Indians outside India. In the interest of the Nation, the Hon’ble Finance Minster should not be shy in acknowledging this reality of the economics. The issue is, “why can’t, we find a respectable mutually acceptable solution so that, these staggering funds can voluntarily flow back to country and contribute in our economic growth”. I once again accentuate that, tax revenue can, on no account meet the resource needs of India.

Besides, it is also noteworthy that, good intent, announcements and allocations of Finance Minster are not getting to the last point. The administrative machinery is extremely enervated and inefficient. Historically, there appears to be lack of synchronisation and harmonisation amongst Ministry of Finance, Commerce, Law, Reserve bank of India, Judiciary etc. The Hon’ble Prime Minister must find a way out so that, there is conceptual understanding of action from conceivement to execution.

In his budget documents, additional tax collection provisions through increase in direct taxes may not be purposeful. Capital gain tax may negatively impact the sentiments of capital market. In nutshell, economic sentiments can be better managed through greater dependence on indirect taxes rather than direct taxes. Some of the penal provisions introduced in Direct Taxes appear to be too harsh and impractical. Being our representative on national mission, we expect our Finance Minister to be a friend and a philosopher in his approach while drafting his budget proposals. We are sure he will have a relook at some of the penal provisions in Budget Documents. Besides, it is worth mentioning that, the present rates of individual and corporate taxes are still very high as compared to other progressive nations. Higher rates can definitely be justified only in the circumstances where social security scheme and other welfare programmes are effectively serving every citizen of the here to read further






What are shell companies?

The Companies Act, 2013 has not defined what a ‘shell company’ is and as to what kind of activities would lead to a company being termed a ‘shell’. Shell companies are typically corporate entities which do not have any active business operations or significant assets in their possession. The government views them with suspicion as some of them could be used for money laundering, tax evasion and other illegal activities.

Is there a law governing shell companies?

In India, there is no specific law relating to “shell companies.” However, some laws help, to an extent, in curbing illegal activities such as money laundering and can indirectly be used to target shell companies - Benami Transaction (Prohibition) Amendment Act 2016; The Prevention of Money Laundering Act 2002 and The Companies Act, here to read further






1. In the last two and half years administration has moved from discretionary, favouritism based to system and transparency based.

2. Inflation brought under control. CPI-based inflation declined from 6% in July 2016 to 3.4% in December, 2016.

3. Economy has moved on a high growth path. India’s Current Account Deficit declined from about 1% of GDP last year to 0.3% of GDP in the first half of 2016-17. FDI grew 36% in H1 2016-17 over H1 2015-16, despite 5% reduction in global FDI inflows. Foreign exchange reserves have reached 361 billion US Dollars as on 20th January, 2017.

4. War against black money launched.

5. Government continued on path of fiscal consolidation, without compromising here to read further






Circular No. 06 of 2017 / F. No. 142/11/2015-TPL / Government of India / Ministry of Finance / Department of Revenue / Central Board of Direct Taxes / Dated: 24th January, 2017.

Section 6(3) of the Income-tax Act, 1961 (the Act), prior to its amendment by the Finance Act, 2015, provided that a company is said to be resident in India in any previous year, if it is an Indian company or if during that year, the control and management of its affairs is situated wholly in India. This allowed tax avoidance opportunities for companies to artificially escape the residential status under these provisions by shifting insignificant or isolated events related with control and management outside India. To address these concerns, the existing provisions of section 6(3) of the Act were amended vide Finance Act, 2015, with effect from 1st April,2016 to provide here to read further





Bitcoin is a form of digital currency, created and held electronically. No one controls it. Bitcoins aren’t printed, like dollars or euros they’re produced by running computers using software. It is a crypto-currency. Bitcoin is designed around the idea of using cryptography to control the creation and transfer of money, rather than relying on central authorities. The first Bitcoin concept was published in 2009 by Satoshi Nakamoto. However, Satoshi left the project in late 2010 without revealing much about himself. The community has since grown here to read further





General lack of transparency and inefficiencies in the handling and disposal of the seized, confiscated, obsolete, surplus, unused assets has time and again created embarrassing situation for the government’s functionaries. Non - standardized assets disposal policies have also resulted into enormous financial losses, bribery, bungling, corruption and crime in this sector.

High value disposable assets in considerable quantum are regularly generated by all Government departments, financial institution, banks, public sector organization, local bodies etc.  Besides, revenue departments like Income Tax, Customs, VAT, Excise regularly seize / confiscate valuable assets in course of raids or at the time of recovering their dues. NPA accounts are also generating disposal assets in the hands of government here to read further





ANALYSIS: The 2016 Budget of the Narendra Modi Government, which was delivered on 29th February, was eagerly awaited. With increasing criticism of the perceived gap between promises made and action taken on the ground, this Budget was the key opportunity to regain lost ground and accelerate the process of converting the ‘Make in India’ dream into a reality. Indeed, there was little in the run-up to the Budget that generated cheer or optimism. The data from the manufacturing, banking, and real estate sectors were depressing. The ill-timed notice from the Indian tax department of over Rs. 14,000 crore to Vodafone two weeks ago seriously cast doubts on whether the Prime Minister’s Office and the Finance Ministry were pursuing a common agenda of making India an investment-friendly destination. The only large silver lining on the dark economic cloud was the drastic fall in oil here to read further




"STARTUP INDIA" A Step Forward in Right Direction

STARTUP INDIA is a flagship initiative of the Government of India, intended to build a strong eco-system for nurturing innovation and Startups in the country that will drive sustainable economic growth and generate large scale employment opportunities. The Government through this initiative aims to empower Startups to grow through innovation and design. In order to meet the objectives of the initiative, Government of India is announcing this Action Plan that addresses all aspects of the Startup here to read further






Those assessee with any undeclared overseas income or assets will have a 3 month window to come clean beginning on July 1, 2015 and a further 3 months to deposit the appropriate tax and penalty till Dec 31, 2015. Ministry of Finance, Government of India has announced details of a compliance window to curb black money. Central government has notified on 30th  September, 2015, as the date on or before which a person can make a declaration in respect of an undisclosed asset located outside India. The last date for depositing tax is December 31, here to read further





The Finance Minister, in his budget speech, while acknowledging the limitations under the existing law, had conveyed the considered decision of the Government to enact a comprehensive new law on black money to specifically deal with black money stashed away abroad. He also promised to introduce the new Bill in the current Session of the Parliament.

In order to fulfil the commitment made by the Government to the people of India through the Parliament, the Undisclosed Foreign Income and Assets (Imposition of Tax) Bill, 2015 has been introduced in the Parliament on 20.03.2015. The Bill provides for separate taxation of any undisclosed income in relation to foreign income and assets. Such income will henceforth not be taxed under the Income-tax Act but under the stringent provisions of the here to read further





A few years back, when the world was looking at us with high expectation of growth and stability, the apathetic fiscal management severely dented the Indian economic system. The erstwhile Indian Government failed to appreciate the ground rules and requirements of a growing Indian economy. When Indian corporate was looking at world map for their next destination, some over-enthusiastic Economists did everything possible to rattle the aspiration, ambition and dignity of the entrepreneurs and their enterprise. Why did they do it? This is a question for everyone.

Anyway, that is past. India has to come back and cover the losses of sixty seven years. In 1947, one rupee was giving us one dollar and today we have to pay almost sixty rupees for a dollar. As a person of basic virtues,  I am more than confident that, an emotional connect to country and little financial sensibilities in economic policy framing can progressively take us back to 1917. I am sure, our new PM will show us again, those respectable days.

Although, Mr. Modi has the best of the technology and talent around him to coordinate his plans and proposal, with all the humbleness, I would like to mention some suggestive ideas for the desired upgradation of Indian Fiscal System.

It is foremost important that the fiscal system should not be draconian, excruciating and compelling. It should be appeasable and amenable. Present Indian fiscal system is not only perplexing but also mystifying for a common person.  In existing format, Government is collecting revenue through multiple and multilevel tax legislation. The basic concept of Indian tax laws is centuries old and had its origin somewhere in Egypt. It is written in thousands of pages and most seasoned tax professional are often found totally befuddled in their interpretation and application. That is why the end result is recent cases of Nokia and Vodaphone. These two cases have disgraced and embarrassed the country around the world. We need to have fundamentally something very different from the here to read further






Railway Minister Shri D. V. Sadananda Gowda, in his 2014 Budget Speech has mentioned, “in the last 10 years, 99 New Line projects worth` 60,000 crore were sanctioned out of which only one project is complete till date. In fact, there are 4 projects that are as old as 30 years, but are still not complete.” The principal reason attributed by the Hon’ble Minister for the dismal performance is lack of availability of adequate financial resources. The Hon’ble Minister has further announced some new projects. But the big question is how the Railways will fund these schemes.

Traditional funding sources have already been exploited to their optimum level. Now the Railway Board has to look for some unconventional sources to fund the operational and developmental projects.….. including Prime Minister, Narendra Modi’s Bullet Train. If, the authorities involved in the process look beyond their centuries old rule book……. solutions are not far from reach.  To be more precise, the freely available Railway Real Estate assets have the required potential to generate enormous surplus to meet its financial needs and also to strengthen the Railways Balance Sheet to the envy of any successful corporate in the world. India has at least 500 - 700 major Railway Stations Real Estates assets, which can be developed for augmenting Railway revenue. Each of the Railway Station occupies sizable land. This station land over the platforms and adjoining Railway lines can be easily monetized. A multi-story multipurpose complex can be constructed without disturbing the regular functioning and movement, over the Railway platforms. This real estate can be easily marketed to generate capital and revenue profits. The monetary valuations of these properties can run into astronomical figures. Keeping in view the size of the city, a multistory complex can be erected over any railway stations. The construction can be done on BOT basis or contract basis etc. depending on various factors. The research data suggests, the space available can be easily marketed as the railway stations are always city centers and enjoy tremendous locational here to read further





The final Budget for the year is on the floor and will be shortly enacted to rule the country. This time, the expectations from Budget were extremely high but for the reasons best known to the Budget Makers, much has been left to be addressed in future. Whatever may be the reasons for going cautious, if India has to progress and survive in this competitive world and amongst aggressively progressing neighbouring countries, then some out of the box thinking, dynamic decision making and fearless actions are the only choices. We hope to look forward an aggressive Indian regime determined to put India on self sustaining growth course of over 10%. May be by 15th August our Hon’ble Prime Minister Mr. Narendra Modi will chalk out his new economic and development programme and unfurl the same with the flag of the nation.

Various Budget provisions have been comprehensively summarized herein below. We note from the detailed budget document that, with regards to Income Tax budget proposals several changes have been proposed which will have far reaching impact on the economy and business. These subtle changes although very important have not become the headlines of any media. Particularly changes about advance against assets, survey / search rules, charitable institutions, long term capital gains, dividend distribution tax, debt based mutual funds, investment allowance, institutions governed by section 35, overseas borrowing and divided, transfer pricing, FII income clarifications, MAT, TDS, anonymous donation, presumptive taxation u/s 44AE, commodity transaction tax, compulsory acquisitions, speculative gains, asset valuations, loan transactions u/s 269SS, attachment of property etc. must be studied meticulously.

The Current Economic Situation And The Challenges

Decisive vote for change represents the desire of the people to grow, free themselves from the curse of poverty and use the opportunity provided by the society. Country in no mood to suffer unemployment, inadequate basic amenities, lack of infrastructure and apathetic here to read further





A few years back, when the world was looking at us with high expectation of growth and stability, the apathetic fiscal management severely dented the Indian economic system. Anyway, that is past. Let’s look forward to a brighter future in the hands of indomitable team of Governors. In 1947, one rupee used to fetch one dollar and let’s hope the time returns. I am confident that, an emotional connects to nation and financial sensibilities in economic policy framing can show us again those respectable days.

Present Indian fiscal system is perplexing to all concerned. Government is collecting revenue through multiple tax legislations. The basic tax concept is centuries old and had its origin somewhere in Egypt and travelled through Greece U. K. to India with British. Revenue laws are written in thousands of pages and most seasoned tax professional are often found totally befuddled in their interpretation and application. That is why the end result is recent cases of Nokia and Vodaphone. These two cases have disgraced the country around the world. We need to have fundamentally something very different from the present and aptitude to accept out of box thinking.

With complete new mindset, the entire revenue collection law can be framed in less than hundred pages. A suggestive scheme which will be manageable without the fleet of tax collecting agencies can be drafted on following lines. The simplicity itself will boost revenue collection by manifolds. The scheme may be referred as “Consolidated Revenue Act of India.” here to read further





To finance the welfare and the administrative expenditure, governments around the world impose certain taxes on their subjects. The taxation system helps in collecting revenue besides it also provides direction to the economic growth and also brings economic equilibrium amongst various classes. In any taxation system, the residential status of the taxpayer is of crucial significance. Residential status confirms the jurisdiction and the application of taxation account abilities.

However, in cases, where cross country economic activity is carried out, it is a tricky affair to identify and justify the appropriate jurisdiction of tax authorities. In order to mitigate the hardships of multiple jurisdictions, the Governments enter into bilateral arrangements, which are commonly denoted as “Double Taxation Avoidance Agreements” (DTAA). DTAA refers to an accord between two countries, aiming at elimination of double taxation. These are bilateral economic agreements wherein the countries concerned assess the sacrifices and advantages which the treaty brings for each contracting nation. It would promote exchange of goods, persons, services and investment of capital among such countries.

Indian Government is actively pushing DTAA negotiations with several countries to help its residents in understanding their tax jurisdictions and accountability towards the appropriate authorities. So far India has signed DTAA with 81 countries and discussion is on with many others. The natures of DTAA’s entered by India are greatly diverse in their nature and contents.

The first international initiative regarding DTAA was taken by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development. OECD presented the first draft of DTAA in ‘Model Tax Convention on Income and on Capital’. DTAA was proposed as a tool of standardization and common solutions for cases of double taxation to the taxpayers who are engaged in industrial, financial or other activities in other countries. The double tax treaties are negotiated under international law and governed by the principles laid down under the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties here to read further





The next General Elections are due in 2014. All political aspirants have already started working out policies and strategies to approach public for support and vote. However, it is no longer an easy mission to convince Indian voters to vote for any party or individual. Television programmes and print media have turned Indians into a conscious and informed class. Now, people are looking forward towards strong programmes and policies rather than traditional individuals and parties. It will be now be very tricky to play sentimental issues for electoral success.

In this note, we are providing a evocative programme for effectively setting forth election strategy to the aspiring national players. We are confident, if an organization adopts policies and programme on the lines suggested herein below and delivers on promises, nothing can restrain them from winning and ruling this country for next several decades.
The suggestive programme is outlined herein below here to read further





Rajkot Bench of ITAT in the case of Vineetkumar Raghavjibhai Bhalodia v. Income tax Officer, Rajkot has discussed the controversial issue of tax ability of gifts from HUF to its members. The issues taken up were.

1. Whether a gift received from 'relative', irrespective of whether it is from an individual relative or from a group of relatives is exempt from tax under provisions of section 56(2)(vi)?

Answer: Held, yes.

2. Whether HUF is a group of relatives and therefore, gift received from HUF would be exempt from tax under section 56(2)(vi)?

Answer: Held, yes

3. Whether for getting exemption under section 10(2) two conditions are to be satisfied, firstly, a person must be a member of HUF and secondly he should receive sum out of income of such HUF, may it be income of earlier year?

Answer: Held, here to read further






Copyright is a legal term refers to protecting a creator’s work. It is a type of intellectual property that provides exclusive publication, distribution, and usage rights for the creator. This means whatever content is created cannot be used or published by anyone else without the consent of the creator. The length of copyright protection may differ from country to country, but it usually lasts for the life of the author plus 50 to 100 years.

Copyright is generally given by the law to creators of literary, dramatic, musical and artistic works and producers of cinematograph films and sound recordings. It is a pack of rights including, inter alia, rights of reproduction, communication to the public, adaptation and translation of the work. In modern times, copyright protection has been extended to websites and other online content. This is important in the digital age, since large amounts of content can be easily here to read further





With the development of Net Based Technologies along with availability of advanced software and hardware systems, it has become feasible to systematize and present the most complex data system in simple formats. This facilitates the quality of data storage system and also improves the retrieval of the information efficiently and accurately. Through the application of software based technologies it has become possible to design and maintain large database structures and provide user friendly application. These databases can be used for criteria based queries and also can be supplemented with other technologies like Biometric Solution etc.

Delhi Police is handling extremely complex and multi dimensional activities. The operations of Delhi Police are spread over very large area which needs to be constantly monitored and controlled. In fact, the operation of Delhi Police is as complex and multifaceted as any top corporate house. The operations just do not end with crime recording / investigation but also involve the application of finest management techniques, personal management skills, financial management acumen, deep knowledge of engineering and medicine sciences .The application of Information Technology can make many complex and strenuous tasks of Delhi Police Executives effortless and error here to read further





The term “Raid in Indian Income Tax Law” is incredulous and any unexpected encounter with IT sleuths generally leads to chaos and vacuity. If you are likely to experience such action it is better to familiarise with the subject, so that, the situation can be faced with confidence and serenity. Income Tax Raid is conducted with the sole objective to unearth tax avoidance. It is the process which authorizes IT department to search any residential / business premises, vehicles and bank lockers etc. and seize the accounts, stocks and valuables.

To face the situation efficiently, it is extremely important to understand some nitty-gritty of I.T. law on the subject. Lack of knowledge leads to panic and all the discomfort. The knowledge of your legal rights and responsibilities always protects here to read further





Survey has not been defined in the Income Tax Act. According to Concise Oxford Dictionary, The expression "survey" means general view, casting of eyes or mind over somethings, inspection or investigation of the condition, amount, etc. of something, account given of result of this etc.

According to Chambers 20th Century Dictionary, the meaning of the word 'survey' is to view comprehensively and extensively, to examine in detail, to examine the structure of a building, to obtain by measurements data for mapping, to perceive, collection of data, an organisation or body of men for that purpose.

In short the term 'survey' in context of the Income Tax Act means collection of data or information for the purposes of the Act.

Objects of Survey

Survey is an important weapon in the armoury of the Income Tax Department to call for information of various kinds as may be found necessary for making proper assessments. Survey is mainly conducted with the object of broadening the tax base by discovering new assessees, o gather information about possible tax evasions by assessees, spot checking of available cash and stock and to verify in a surprise and systematic manner, whether or not accounts are maintained properly and on day to day basis here to read further